Travel Envy (& the Limited Budget) Syndrome

Mar 2022

Travel Envy (& the Limited Budget) Syndrome 

We’re not Proud, but we’ve all Felt Travel Envy at one Point or Another 


Even before the days of COVID-19, there were always some who traveled less than others and of course there were some who never traveled at all. Consequently, travel envy became a familiar feeling to those in the “no-travel / very little travel” rut. We’re here to tell you that it’s ok and that there is a solution. To travel and to explore to your heart’s desire doesn’t necessarily require a huge budget; all you need is to steer clear of expensive tourist destinations (which inevitably become very expensive because of being in high demand). 


Instead, you can embrace travel truly from an explorer’s point of view and allow yourself to get awed and inspired by destinations that have never been or your radar OR allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by destinations that you simply didn’t consider before. 


So, we did a little research for you to uncover budget-friendly countries that will allow you to embark on your trip without the constant image of a budget sheet haunting you. Travel offers one of the most gratifying experiences and no one should miss out on it. So unchain yourself and get on that plane! But before delving into our Top 10 List, remember these TWO important travel tips since some of the countries listed below are quite big, making just the fact of inner transportation quite costly: 


Tip #1: Stick to 1 or 2 regions or cities. Visiting the entire country will drain your budget. 

Tip #2: Plan & book ahead to avoid hidden costs or surprises. 


Now That our Conscience is Clear, Here’s our Top 10 List of Budget-Friendly Countries: 


Republic of Georgia

A country we rarely talk about, it sits on the edge of Asia & Europe. The Republic of Georgia offers a rich history and beautiful landscapes. Enjoy museums and historical sites for nominal entrance fees and reel in the beauty of the country: beautiful mountain ranges, the Black sea, and ancient hilltop monasteries. In 2020, it became possible to enter the Republic of Georgia without a visa and stay for a year. Just saying!